Feeder Stage-1 Home  

Look, you and I both know that even a potential 10% success rate yielding $12M in one-time commissions and $10K Monthly won't happen over night. This is not a get rich quick income opportunity, but your individual effort to achieve this level of income is very minimal.

You see we have designed the PSIS to use cash leveraging and simple duplication in a most powerful way.

Everyone advances automatically into their next higher income Stage with $0 out of pocket.

To begin with, the most amount you will ever be out-of-pocket is ONLY $3.00! We then incoporated Member to Member Automatic - Passive Stage upgrade sales in Stage-2 and 4 through 11. This is accomplished by designing a system in which each Member must purchase their next higher income Stage entry product from their Producer (Sponsor) to become qualified to earn in these Stages. The result of this benefit is our Follow Your Producer into each Stage feature!

We achieved what we consider the most lucrative aspect of the PSIS by including SIMULTANIOUS income growth in all 11 Stages once the Member has entered each Stage.

Last but surely not least, our Members need only to produce 4 $3.00 Feeder Stage (FS) sales to be in position to become MILLIONAIRES as adequate duplication takes place in their downline.

We could not make it more simplier neither more lucrative than what you have before you.

This Stage alone is designed to pay you $12.3K through just 10 Levels! Our Members will advance from this Feeder Stage into the $111K Silver Stage-2 much faster now that we did away with the original entry costs of $27 and $35.

As Members earnings in Levels-1 & 2 in this Feeder Stage reaches just $42 they will purchase their $111K Silver Stage-2 entry product from their Producer for $27.

Could you live with making a potential $12M in one-time commissions and $10K Monthly if it you took you 12 or even 24 months to reach it? I certainly could! I have received $100's and $1000's in payments in programs I have worked and the PSIS can position you to do the same. Once you get a taste of $500 to $5K commissions it's hard to go back to $25 and $50 payments. It's like going back to a diet of only peanuts after feasting on filet mignon! I built the PSIS to give others the chance to experience big ticket $20K commissions without having to produce big ticket sales or purchase any big ticket products out of their pocket!

With the PSIS our Members have the opportunity to join some of those big ticket biz opptys they have always wanted to join but did not want to risk their hard earned cash on those high entry fees and were skeptical that their prospects would feel any different. PSIS eliminates these concerns by automatically placing big ticket biz oppty sales into the Pay Line (PL) of all of our qualified Members, making it possible for our Members to reap Big Ticket Commissions without having to shell out Big Ticket entry fees or make any of those Big Ticket sales.

If you are not familiar with the Reverse 2-Up (Rvs-2-Up) Compensation Plan, it is simply a pay plan in which each Member is required to pass up their 2nd and 4th sale to their Producer to become qualified to also receive Pass Up sales.

A Pass Up sale includes the purchasing Member and their compensation plan entry amount paid for the entry product. Exp: If 2 sales are passed up to You and the comp plan entry amount is $20, you would receive payments totaling $40 (2×$20) and each of the 2 purchasing Members become the first sale forming 2 Pay Lines (PL) for You! Each one in your PL must pass up 2 sales, their 2nd and 4th sale to You.


PSIS Rvs-2Up Illustration

Now That You Know How The RVS-2UP WORK, LET'S GET YOU MAKING MONEY IN OUR 1ST STAGE Of Your RVS-2UP PSIS, YOUR $3.00 Feeder Stage with it's $12K Payout potential through just 10 Levels!

First, create your account

Second, upgrade into the $3.00 Feeder Stage.

You should quickly advance from the $3.00 Feeder Stage (FS) as your Level-1 & 2 earnings reach only $42.

Record Time

$3.00 Rvs-2Up Feeder Stage Earnings Illustration

You will then purchase the $111K Silver Stage-2 entry product from your Sponsor (Producer) to be placed into the Level-1 Pay Line of your FS Producer who will already be in the $111K Silver Stage-2 (illustration is below) Rvs-2up.

Your one-time cost for entrance into this $111K Silver Stage-2 will be $27 for our Instant Profit Club (IPC) Basic or our Text Ad Placement. The 3-line Text Ad of your choice will be posted on our website for 30-days. Remember that the funds to purchase these entry products are derived from your $42 FS L-1 & 2 earned profits!

PSIS products consists of our Text Ad Placement, Online Income Seeker Leads and several popular online business opportunities (biz opptys).

You'll be able to offer your purchased biz opptys to your prospects and earn ONE commission on each sale. However, you can earn UNLIMITED COMMISSIONS on each sale by plugging your prospects into your $128 Million Rvs-2Up PSIS!

Automatic-Passive Sales Are Designed Into The PSIS

PSIS Members are ONLY required to produce $3.00 FEEDER STAGE sales to advance through Stages 2-11! Entry product sales for these Stages are automatically and passively generated as Members must purchase the entry product from their Producer to enter these Stages as their profits reach the Admin specified amount in the Stage they are currently in.

* Although each Stage illustration shows Members earnings based upon each one referring ONLY 4 $3.00 Feeder Stage sales to PSIS Admin through 10 Levels, Members may refer an unlimited number of sales to PSIS Admin. More $3.00 FS sales referred means more your stand to earn!

$111K Silver Stage-2 Income Illustration

*$27 Entry *$27 Pass Ups

Assuming that your 4 $3.00 FS sales have completed their FS L-1&2 and purchased their Stage-2 entry product from you, they will be placed into your L-1 P.L. of your Silver Stage-2 as shown in the "Your Sales Produced" column. After passing up your 2 qualifying sales to your Feeder Stage Producer, you would have 2 remaining in your Level-1 Pay Line which would earn you $54 (2×$27). Then as each of the 4 FS sales of your 2 complete their FS L-1&2 with earnings of $42 and purchase their Stage-2 entry product from their Producer (the 2 in your L-1 PL), these 8 are placed as 4 L-1 sales to each of your 2. As your 2 each pass up 2 sales to You totaling 4, you'll earn you $108 ($27×4) more for a total Level-1 earning of $162 ($54+$108)!

Your Silver Stage income would continue to DOUBLE through Level-10 earning you $111K or even MORE as the producing of $3.00 FS sales continue in your Pay Lines to INFINITY!

The PSIS Is Designed To Grow Your Income In Each Stage As Illustrated For This Silver Stage-2


*Legal Disclaimer: Please Note: Neither the Admin, owner(s) nor any employees of Instant Profit Club, Prosperity Home Network, Prosper To Wealth nor Prosperity People Systems businesses, nor Simple System Funnel Biz Opptys has any affiliation with, nor endorsement of the Profit Sharing Income System in any way. PSIS Admin is only an independent reseller of these Biz Ops and is bound to the rules imposed upon as outlined in their Rules and Regulations regarding their Resellers/Affiliates. All questions or comments regarding these Biz Opptys and how the Rvs-2-Up PSIS utilizes them in the PSIS opportunity should be directed only to Rvs-2-Up PSIS Admin. Income amounts shown on this website are only for illustration purposes and have no intent of guaranteeing anyone that they will earn from this opportunity without adequate, sustained and effective marketing efforts on their part and on the part of their prospective joining members.