
Your Silver Stage Sales Follow You Into Each Stage With Zero $ Out-Of-Their-Pocket. This generates potential automatic-passive sales in Stages 2-9 for all Members upgraded in these Stages.

For illustration purposes we are assuming that You have attained the specified Gold L-1 thru L-4 earnings of $18.6K. PSIS Admin will now disburse $475 form your Commission Account to purchase your Chalcedony Stage entry product, the 1Easy1Up Vertex (EZ1UV) Biz Op from PSIS Admin for only $275 (includes $25 Easy1Up Admin fee) to enter You into your $1.2M Chalcedony Stage shown below.

Although Our Stage Illustrations Show Each Member Producing Only 4 Silver Sales, There Are No Restrictions On The Number Of Silver Sales A Member May Produce. The More Silver Sales They Produce, The More They Will Have In Their Pay Lines At Any Given Time.

$1.2M Chalcedony Rvs-2-Up
Potential Income Illustration

*$475 Acct. Dsbsmt. *$250 Biz Op Purchase Amt.
*$300 Stage Entry *$300 Pass Ups

* To your $200 ($475-$250-$25) remaining after your Biz Op entry purchase of $275 (Easy 1Up Vertex $275 cost includes a $25 EZ1UV Admin fee.), PSIS Admin will add a $100 profit share from our EZ1UV $250 commission received on your purchase to place You into the $1.2M Chalcedony Stage-5!

** PSIS Admin retains $150 ($250-$100) of our $250 E1UV commission received on your purchase.

NOTE: Because E1UV compensation plan is a Reverse-1Up, PSIS Admin's 2nd sale will pass up to our E1UV Upline and PSIS Admin will not receive a commission on that Biz Op stage entry sale. If You are our 2nd sale, You will be entered into the $1.2M Chalcedony stage with a $50 discount on your Biz Op purchase! That's no misprint. Instead of disbursing $475 from your Commission Account as explained above, PSIS Admin will disburse only $425; thereby providing You with a $50 ($475-$425) Discount!

** Your Chalcedony Stage is designed to grow your projected $1.2M income through 10 Levels and beyond by the same process as in the previous 4 stages.

* As your 4 Silver entry sales reach their Gold 4 Level earnings of $18.6K, their Chalcedony Biz Op entry product will be purchased and they will be placed into your Chalcedony L-1 Pay Line as your 4 $300 sales! 2 are passed up to your Silver Producer and 2 are retained by You earning You $600 (2x$300) on L-1! --You would have just received TWO BIG TICKET COMMISSIONS without having to produce a single Big Ticket Sale and MORE are designed into the PSIS just for You!

** As the 4 Silver sales of each of the 2 in your Chalcedony L-1 reach their Gold $18.6K 4 Level earnings, 8 Chalcedony sales are placed into the Chalcedony Stage with each of your 2 receiving their 4 placed sales into their L-1 PL. Of these 8 sales, You will receive a total of 4 (2x2) pass up sales from your 2 earning You $1200 (4x$300) MORE for a potential L-1 total income of $1800 ($600+$1200)! You would then have 4 in your L-2 PL

** As the 4 Silver sales of each of the 4 in your Chalcedony L-2 reach their Gold $18.6K 4 Level earnings, 16 Chalcedony sales are placed into the Chalcedony Stage with each of your 4 receiving their 4 placed sales into their L-1 PL. Of these 16 sales, You will receive a total of 8 (2x4) pass up sales from your 4 earning You $2400 (8x$300) MORE for a potential L-1&2 total income of $4.2K ($1.8K+$2.4K)! You would then have 8 in your L-3 PL

** As the 4 Silver sales of each of the 8 in your Chalcedony L-3 reach their Gold $18.6K 4 Level earnings, 32 Chalcedony sales are placed into the Chalcedony Stage with each of your 8 receiving their 4 placed sales into their L-1 PL. Of these 32 sales, You will receive a total of 16 (2x8) pass up sales from your 8 earning You $4.8K (16x$300) MORE for a potential L-1,2&3 total income of $9K ($1.8K+$2.4K+$4.8K)! You would then have 16 in your L-4 PL

** As Silver sales continue to be produced, your L-4 potential earnings would be $9.6K ADDED to your $9K L-1 thru L-3..And the income leveraging magic is again set in motion!

You would at this point have FIVE Income Streams potentially growing on auto-pilot and the BEST is still to come! You would have the $82K Silver, $102K Monthly Topaz, $327K EMERALD, $1.2M Gold and the $1.2M Chalcedony Stages all with the potential to passively grow TO INFINITY!

How Are Members Paid Their Commissions?

PSIS Members will select their preferred method of payment from the options shown in their back office when the Upgrade tab is selected. Withdrawals requests are limited to a minimum balance of $100. Other pay methods not shown are bank transfers, cashier’s checks and direct delivery. Manual payments are sent out or deposited into Members bank account each Wednesday other than on Holidays.

*Legal Disclaimer: Please Note: Neither the Admin, owner(s) nor any employees of Instant Profit Club, Simple Freedom Club, Prosperity Home Network, MWR, Easy1Up nor Prosperity People Systems businesses, nor Simple System Funnel Biz Ops has any affiliation with, nor endorsement of the Profit Sharing Income System in any way. PSIS Admin is only an independent reseller of these Biz Ops and is bound to the rules imposed upon as outlined in their Rules and Regulations regarding their Resellers/Affiliates. All questions or comments regarding these Biz Ops and how the Rvs-2-Up PSIS utilises them in the PSIS opportunity should be directed only to Rvs-2-Up PSIS Admin. Income amounts shown on this website are only for illustration purposes and have no intent of guaranteeing anyone that they will earn from this opportunity without adequate, sustained and effective marketing efforts on their part and on the part of their prospective joining members.