You'll enter into your 4th income stream, the $102K Monthly Topaz Stage-4 (shown below) when your Silver Stage L-5 is completed with earnings of $1280 which would bring your total L-1 thru L-5 Silver Stage-2 earnings to $2540. See the Silver Stage-1 diagram below. |
When your Silver Stage-2 income reach the total L-1 thru L-5 completion amount of $2540 you will purchase the 1st month of your Topaz Stage-4 entry product, our Daily Digital Club (DDC) biz oppty from your FS Producer. Your Producer's DDC purchase url will be emailed to you. If you are already a member of DDC, a replacement Topaz Stage-2 entry product will be available. You can also PIF for another person for whom you have Power of Attorney if you are already a memeber of DDC. |
The Topaz Stage illustration below is only to show you how your income could grow in the DDC biz oppty. You will be able to keep track of your sales and income growth in your DDC back office. |
Maintaining your $25 DDC monthly subscription should pose no problem because when you enter the Topaz Stage your Silver Stage-2 and Feeder Stage-1 income streams should be growing quite nicely. |
You will be placed into the Topaz Stage-4 Pay Line of your Feeder Stage Producer who should already be in the Topaz Stage. Visit Here to see how the DDC works to build your income to $102K Monthly.
Now Here Is Where The Magic Begins As It Does In Each Of Your 11 PSIS Stages! As your 4 $3.00 FS sales complete their Silver L-1 thru L-5 with total earnings of $2540 they will purchase their DDC biz oppty or substitute entry product from YOU! You'll receive 4 $25/Mo. automatic-passive sales into your Topaz Stage L-1 Pay Line.
* You'll retain your 1st and 3rd
DDC sales in your
Topaz L-1 PL which would
earn You $50
(2×$25 mo.) in Monthly commissions INFINITELY!
* Your 2nd
automatic and passive sales will be passed up to the Member
whose Topaz PL you're in.
Again, this should be your Feeder Stage
As the 4 Feeder Stage
sales of each of the 2 in your
Topaz L-1 PL
complete their Silver Stage
L-5 with
total Silver L-1 thru L-5
earnings of $2540
and purchase their DDC
biz oppty or substitute product from their
FS Producer (the 2 in your PL),
they are placed into the PL of each of the 2 in your
Topaz Level-1 Pay Line
with each of your 2 receiving their 4
sales. As your 2 each pass up 2 sales
to you, you'll earn $100 (2×2×$25MO.)
L-1 total of $150 MONTHLY
($50+$100)! See the Topaz Stage illustration shown above.
You would then have 4 in your L-2 who must each pass up 2 $25/Mo. sales to you that would earn you $200 MONTHLY on your L-2!