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$3.00 Feeder Matrix |
Pay Plan Chart |
In our 9 Stage Reverse 2Up Profit Sharing Income System (PSIS) with Member-to-Member Stage Upgrade Payments!
Everyone who has $3.00, are not
pessimists but are optimists as you are and who are
searching for an opportunity that can change their financial future need to look no further than to
what is now before your very eyes.
Introducing the 9 Stage $118
Million PLUS $102K Monthly
Reverse 2Up (Rvs-2Up) Profit Sharing Income
System PSIS with a new unheard of $3.00 entry amount! "I know, impossible, right? Wrong,
but the only way you'll really know for yourself is
to do what optimists love to do, read."
Dear {name},
Welcome to our
PLUS $102K Month
Profit Sharing Income System!
We are excited
that you made the choice to join us.
Now that you have joined by creating your account,
Your next step is to click here to upgrade your account.
The cost is only $3.00 so you have virtually nothing to risk
for your opportunity to gain so much!
If you need any help or have questions, please contact us.
Thank You {name},
Solomon Price, Administrator
$3.00 is affordable to everyone, so by simply sending prospects to
your PSIS website like this one,
no one should have any problem getting their 4 $3.00 FM
entry sales. This is as easy as
everyone simply PIF for their 4 and a lot of Members will make a whole lot of MONEY!
Many will get more than 4 and
spillover will also promote faster cycling for everyone.
You may produce as many $3.00 FM
sales as you like. Potentially everyone will have at least 4 FM
sales below them whether directly produced or received by
spillover who will follow them into each of the 9
Rvs-2Up income stages!
We have made the PSIS a literal
To receive the full income
potential of $118 Million
PLUS $102K Monthly
you and each
of your downline Members only need to produce 4
$3.00 FM
sales who will duplicate the PSIS
through 10 Levels of each Stage.
On this page
you'll learn how that by simply purchasing
$3.00 *Turbo3Cash Machine or 25 Income Oppty
Seeker Leads
for only $3.00 from PSIS Admin and producing just
4 sales of the same
With our unique pay plan we have made it possible for anyone to become a Multi-Millionaire in the shortest time possible with ONLY $3 out of their pocket!
Get In The Feeder Matrix NOW!
First, Create your Account. Then Select our Turbo3Cash link above to purchase the $3.00 Turbo3Cash biz oppty entry product. If you are already a member of Turbo3Cash, use one of the Payment Methods below to send PSIS Admin $3.00 to purchase 25 Income Oppty Seeker Leads. After purchasing either of these you will be placed into the
Feeder Matrix.
*If the Turbo3Cash payment page does have your preferred payment option, select one from the list
below and send PSIS Admin $3.00.
Upon receiving your $3.00 we will set up your Turbo3Cash website, send you the url and place you
into the FM.
To purchase 25 Leads use a payment option from the list below to send PSIS Admin $3.00. You will be placed into the FM and your Leads will be emailed to you.
Continuous Automatic Reentry to receive Infinite $50 Cycle Bonuses after the 1st cycle and help sustain Members advancement into the Silver Stage-1
Cycling The Feeder Matrix Is Easy Once You'll In
A. Once you are in the 4×2 FM and have produced your 4 $3.00 sales, the low $3.00 entry cost should have you quickly cycling as your 4 each get their 4 placing 16 (4×4) on your Level-2 totaling 20 (4+16) to fill your FM and $60 ($3×20) will be generated. This $60 is your Cycle Reward!
B. From your $60
Cycle Reward your $10
annual PSIS Admin fee is deducted.
We don't earn until our Members earn.
C. From the remaining $50 ($60-$10) you will purchase one of the Silver Stage-1
entry products listed in #1, #2 and #3 below to be placed into the
$82K Silver Stage-1 Rvs-2Up.
*You will purchase #1 or #2 from your qualified FM
Producer or otherwise from PSIS
Admin. PSIS
Admin purchase links are listed with IPC and SFC in #1 and #2 below. If your
FM Producer is qualified to sell
IPC or SFC, you'll receive their website from which to make your purchase
when you Cycle the FM and if you choose
either IPC or SFC as your Stage-1 entry product.
Instant Profit Club (IPC) Basic biz oppty for $27.
If your Silver Stage-1
entry product purchase is our $27 Ad Pack, you'll receive
$20 ($60-$10-$27-$3). $3.00 is for your reentry into the FM. You'll receive
$47 ($60-$10-$3) after purcahsing your IPC or SFC if either
of these is your choice of entry product. If your upgrade product choice is IPC,
your net FM
Cycle Reward
would be $20
($60-$27-$10-$3) after you purchase.
If SFC is your choice, you would net a
Cycle Reward after
you have purchased.
$82K Silver Stage-1 Illustration
From your $27 or $35 entry biz oppty or $27 Ad Pack purchase amount $20
enters you into Stage-1 *You receive $20 Pass Ups
*$5 Commission on your IPC, SFC & Ad Pack sales following you into this Stage-1 from the
*Admin Comms:
$2 IPC Basic or Ad Pack
& $0 On SFC Sales *If you're familiar with the operation of the Reverse 2Up
compensation plan, you are aware that your income could grow
infinitely beyond the illustrated
$82K 10 Levels of earnings
and in each of the other 8 Stages once it's started
by you producing your 4 $3.00
Feeder Matrix sales and duplication continues!
If you are
not familiar with the Rvs-2Up,
navigate here to view a detailed illustration
of how the PSIS is meticulously
designed to passively grow your income in each Stage.
Products Are Not Our Focal
As mentioned above, products are not the main focus of the PSIS.
We're about getting lots of money into
the bank account of everyone who desires to change their financial future.
Our 1st choice of products, our Affiliate biz opptys
of which PSIS Admin
is a Reseller only fulfills our legal requirements and eliminates
the operating expenses of buying or developing our own products which expenses would
have to be partially absorbed by our Members through increased entry fees. Any of these
biz oppty products when offered as a stand alone income oppty
by our Members can serve as another source of income should your prospect prefer to join
the stand alone biz oppty instead of the PSIS.
However, our $3.00 entry amount has eliminated
the need for anyone to even consider joining any of our Affiliate biz
opptys products as a stand alone biz oppty. Why settle for one biz oppty at a
cost of $27-$21K when you can own all 9 for only $3 out of pocket? Yes, $21K!
Our Stage-9 biz oppty entry product retails for $21K but it can be yours for virtually
$3.00 and you'll be positioned to receive
unlimited-automatic-passive sales with $20K
commissions paid DIRECTLY TO YOU from the purchasing Member. HELLO!
You Enter $82K Stage-1
Income Stream 4. $20 of the $27 or $25 commission received by PSIS Admin from you purchasing our $27 IPC Basic biz oppty, our
Ad Pack or our $35 SFC biz oppty entry product places you into our $82K Silver Stage-1 Rvs-2Up illustrated above.
Your FM Sales Enter Stage-1 5. Having cycled the FM and assuming that you wasted no time producing your 4 FM $3 sales, they will cycle their FM, purchase their Silver Stage-1 entry
product and will follow you into the $82K Silver Stage-1 Rvs-2Up! They will be placed into your Level-1 Pay Line (PL)
as your 4 $20 Stage-1 sales as shown in the top of the far left column of the illustration above.
Sales Of Your FM Sales Enter Stage-1 As the 4 FM
sales of each of the 2 in your L-1 PL cycle their FM, they will be placed into the Silver Stage-1 Rvs-2Up as 4 sales to each of these 2 in your L-1 PL
and you'll receive 2 Pass-Up sales from each of your 2 totaling 4 which earns you $80 ($20×4) more! Your total L-1 earnings on 4 placed $20 sales would be $140 ($20+$40+$80) and your total potential system earnings through Level-1 would be $163 ($140+$23) or $155 ($140+$15)
figuring in your $23 or $15 FM Cycle Reward! You Enter The $102K Monthly
Simple Freedom Club (SFC) biz oppty for $35 includes a $10 SFC
Admin fee.
3. If you are already a member of IPC and SFC, you will purchase our
$27 Ad Pack to be placed into the
Silver Stage-1. For Members purchasing the Ad Pack PSIS Admin will simply withdraw the $27 for your
Ad Pack from your $60 FM Cycle Reward. You will then be placed into the Silver Stage-1 and your 3-line Ad will be shown on our website for a 3 month period.
Portion Of $60.00 Cycle Reward
You'll Receive
$20 Entry
ErngsYour FM
Sales Follow
B4 PU'sPU's To
On Remng.
Your PL-4/eaSales
On PU's
Recvd. $20/ea.Total
Erngs.Level-1 4 $80 2 2 $40 8 4 $80 $120 Level-2 N/A N/A N/A 4 Recvd On
L-116 8 $160 $160 Level-3 N/A N/A N/A 8 Recvd On
L-232 16 $320 $320 Level-4 N/A N/A N/A 16 Recvd On
L-364 32 $640 $640 Level-5 N/A N/A N/A 32 Recvd On
L-4128 64 $1280 $1280 Level-6 N/A N/A N/A 64 Recvd On
L-5256 128 $2560 $2560 Level-7 N/A N/A N/A 128 Recvd On
L-6512 256 $5120 $5120 Level-8 N/A N/A N/A 256 Recvd On
L-71024 512 $10,240 $10,240 Level-9 N/A N/A N/A 512 Recvd On
L-82048 1024 $20,480 $20,480 Level-10 N/A N/A N/A 1024 Recvd On
L-94096 2048 $40,960 $40,960 TOTALS 4 $80 2 2048 Recvd On
L-108184 4092 $81.7K $81.8K
You get all of the above and
MORE for just $3.00 out of your pocket
when you purchase our
$3.00 Turbo3Cash Machine or
our 25
Opportunity Seeker Leads for ONLY $3.00 and ONLY from me Solomon Price,
PSIS Admin!
Each entry product for each of the 9 Rvs-2Up
Stages are purchased from your qualified
FM Producer.
a. From your $27 or $35 entry option purchase a $5 commission is paid to your FM Producer, $20 places you into the $82K Stage-1 and PSIS Admin retains $2 ($27-$20-$5-$2=$0). PSIS Admin retains $0 when the $35 SFC is the chosen entry product; as $10 of the $35 SFC cost is SFC's Admin fee.
Although you didn't produce these 4 $20 sales, you'll earn $20 ($5×4) in commissions on these 4 automatic-passive sales and $40 (2×$20) on the 2 you'll retain in your PL after passing up 2 to your FM Producer! These 2 remaining in your L-1 PL must each pass up 2 $20 sales to you!
Topaz Stage-2
7. When your Stage-1 income reach the L-5 completion amount of $1280 or you've earned a total L-1 through L-5 amount of $2540 you will purchase the 1st month of your Topaz Stage-2 entry product, our $25 1-Up biz oppty. Don't worry, if you are already a member of $25 1-Up we have an alternate entry product.
a. You will simply set up your $25 monthly subscription to PSIS Admin using one of the payment methods in the Upgrade section of your PSIS back office.
Your 1st month $25 1-Up entry option purchase will place you into the Topaz Stage-2 as the sale to your FM Producer who will already be in the Topaz Stage-2.
$102K Monthly
Topaz-Stage-2 Rvs-2Up
Purchasing your $25 monthly $25 1-Up from PSIS Admin sets you up to receive automatic-passive sales as your Feeder Matrix sales will follow you into the $102K/Monthly Topaz Stage-2!
Your FM Sales Enter Stage-2
8. As your 4 FM sales reach their Silver Stage-1 earnings of $2540 in L-1 through L-5 they will purchase their $25 Monthly 1-Up entry product to enter the Topaz Stage-2. They will be placed into your Topaz L-1 Payline as your
4 Topaz sales!
a. You’ll earn $50 Monthly ($25x2) on the 2 placed sales remaining in your Level-1 Payline after passing up 2 to your FM Producer as shown in the Topaz illustration above at the top of the 2nd column from the far right. Your remaining 2 Payline sales must each pass up 2 $25 Monthly sales to you!
9. Assuming that the 4 FM sales of each of your 2 Topaz L-1 Payline sales
have cycled their FM,
were placed into the Silver Stage-1
and as each of them reach their total L-1 through L-5 earnings of
$2540 they will purchase their $25
1-Up biz oppty or alternate entry product with a
$25 Monthly subscription to
PSIS Admin
as did you and their FM Producers.
a. They will be placed as 4 Topaz sales into the Payline of each of the 2 in your Payline and each of your 2 passing up 2 sales to you will earn you $100 monthly ($25x2x2) MORE which would bring your total Topaz Level-1 earnings to $150 Monthly ($50+$100)! You’ll have 4 sales in your L-2 Payline who must each pass up 2 sales to you!
The PSIS is so designed that your income could now be growing automatically, passively and simultaneously in the $82K Silver Stage-1 and in the $102K Monthly Topaz Stage-2 just as it is designed to do in all 9 Stages!
Your income could continue to grow past 10 Levels to INFINITY in all 9 Stages as long as adequate $3 Feeder Matrix sales are produced! Now consider this. If you achieve a mere 10% success rate in the PSIS, you still stand to bank $11.8 Million PLUS $10.2K Monthly from a measly $3.00 out-of-your-pocket!
As each PSIS upgraded Member reaches their L-5 earnings within the highest Stage they are in, they will automatically purchase the biz oppty or alternate product to be placed into the next income Stage. This feature makes it possible for our Members to advance to each Stage in the least amount of time with considerable profits in their pocket and without having to make any sales other than $3.00 FM sales to grow their income even MORE!
Even though your income is designed to grow in the remaining 7 Stages by the same process as explained for the above two Stages, I will use the $327K Emerald Stage-3 to illustrate once more how this unique process can passively grow your income on auto-pilot to as much as $118 Million!
A. Assuming you would now be positioned in the $102K Monthly Topaz Stage-2 Rvs-2Up, your Topaz Stage-2 income would soon reach L-5 earnings of $1.6K Monthly or a total of $3150 Monthly in L-1 through L-5 as adequate $3.00 FM sales continue to be produced by those entering the system.
1. From your Topaz Stage-2 L-1 through L-5 earnings of $3150 Monthly you will use $97 to purchase the IPC Pro biz oppty entry product to be placed into your 3rd income stream , the Emerald Stage-3 which has a potential income payout of $327K through just 10 Levels! Don't worry. Although the IPC Pro will not be available to you if you didn't purchase IPC Basic to enter Stage-1, you wouuld simply purchase our 500 Oppty Seekers Lead Pack for $97 and you will be placed into Stage-3. You'll be placed into the Payline of your FM Producer as one of their Emerald Stage-3 sales.
2. Assuming that your 4 FM sales have advanced to the Topaz Stage-2 and reached their total L-1 through L-5 earnings of $3150 Monthly, they will use $97 of their Topaz profits to purchase the Emerald Stage-3 entry product or a substitute product and they are placed as your 4 Emerald sales into your L-1 Payline!
a. You'll receive Producer commissions of $40
($10×4) on these 4 $97 placed sales just as if you had produced them yourself
and you'll earn $160 ($80×2) on the
2 remaining in your Pay Line after passing up to your FM Producer. That makes $200 ($40+$160) in passive Level-1 earnings thus far!
b. As the 4 Feeder sales of each of the 2 remaining in your L-1 PL complete their Topaz Stage-2
L-5 with total earnings of
$3150 Monthly,
they also will purchase from PSIS
Admin their
entry product, they are placed into the
Emerald Stage-3 as 4 $80
sales for each of the
in your L-1 Pay-Line
and each of your
2 will pass-up 2 of
their sales to you totaling 4 which
earns you $320 ($80×4) more!
Through only Level-1 1st three Stages you will have earned $660 in one-time commissions and $150 Monthly residual commissions.
All this with more to come would be yours for ONLY $3 out of your pocket and 99% passively on auto-pilot after completing just 4 $3 FM sales! Your potential earnings in the remaining 6 Stages would grow by the same simple and easy process as explained above! All Stage Entry Amounts Paid From Profits **Notice that each product for entry into each Stage is purchased out of your profits instead of out of your pocket and your total amount out-of-pocket is never more than $3! You won't find any income opportunity that even comes close to what you are now being offered. Get started NOW before the entry amount reverts back up to $37-$45! 9 Stages Of Simultaneous Income Growth Your Income would now be growing simultaneously in the $82K Silver Stage-1, the $102K Monthly Topaz Stage-2 and in the $327K Emerald Stage-3 as it is designed to do in all 9 Stages and only here in our PSIS All Sales Are Final
4 Sales Of 2 In Your L-1 PL Enters Stage-3
Your total Stage-3 L-1 earnings would then be $520 ($40+$160+$320) as shown in the top of the far right column of the Emerald Stage-3 illustrated above. You would have 4 in your L-2 Payline who must each pass-up 2 $80 sales to you!
Your Total Earnings Through L-1 Of The 1st 3 Stages
***All Member purchases of biz opptys or substitute products for entrance into any Stage are final and no refunds will be available regardless of whether the Member paid all or part of the purchase cost.
*Legal Disclaimer: Please Note: Neither the Admin, owner(s) nor any employees of Instant Profit Club, Simple Freedom Club, Prosperity Home Network, MWR, Easy1Up nor Prosperity People Systems businesses, nor Simple System Funnel Biz Ops has any affiliation with, nor endorsement of the Profit Sharing Income System in any way. PSIS Admin is only an independent reseller of these Biz Ops and is bound to the rules imposed upon as outlined in their Rules and Regulations regarding their Resellers/Affiliates. All questions or comments regarding these Biz Ops and how the Rvs-2-Up PSIS utilises them in the PSIS opportunity should be directed only to Rvs-2-Up PSIS Admin. Income amounts shown on this website are only for illustration purposes and have no intent of guaranteeing anyone that they will earn from this opportunity without adequate, sustained and effective marketing efforts on their part and on the part of their prospective joining members.
All Sales Are Final
***All Member purchases of biz opptys or substitute products for entrance into any Stage are final and no refunds will be available regardless of whether the Member paid all or part of the purchase cost.
*Legal Disclaimer: Please Note: Neither the Admin, owner(s) nor any employees of Instant Profit Club, Simple Freedom Club, Prosperity Home Network, MWR, Easy1Up nor Prosperity People Systems businesses, nor Simple System Funnel Biz Ops has any affiliation with, nor endorsement of the Profit Sharing Income System in any way. PSIS Admin is only an independent reseller of these Biz Ops and is bound to the rules imposed upon as outlined in their Rules and Regulations regarding their Resellers/Affiliates. All questions or comments regarding these Biz Ops and how the Rvs-2-Up PSIS utilises them in the PSIS opportunity should be directed only to Rvs-2-Up PSIS Admin. Income amounts shown on this website are only for illustration purposes and have no intent of guaranteeing anyone that they will earn from this opportunity without adequate, sustained and effective marketing efforts on their part and on the part of their prospective joining members.
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